sexta-feira, 14 de maio de 2010


You ought to obey because you are forced to. Hobbes.
You ought to obey because you have promised to. Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau and other believers in the Social Contract.
You ought to obey because it is in your interest. Plato, Hobbes, Bentham.
You ought to obey because it is in the general interest. Locke, Rousseau, Mill, Green.
You ought to obey because it is you who are giving the orders. Hobbes, Rousseau, Bosanquet and other believers in the General Will.
You ought to obey because God wants you to. Mediaeval writers.
You ought to obey because the Sovereign is God’s anointed. Absolute Monarchists.
You ought to obey because the Sovereign is descended from someone who had the right to be obeyed. Legitimists.
You ought to obey because your government exemplifies the highest point yet reached in the spiritual development of man. Hegel. This can hardly be true of all governments.
You ought to obey because your government has history on its side. Marx. Again, this may not be true of all governments.
You ought to obey because you ought to obey. Some English moralists.
You have no obligation to obey. Anarchists.

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